Jeanette Joan Saffold Foundation

Our community based vision is to refurbish abandoned properties and make them homes for our brothers and sisters in the streets. Our goal isn’t to create shelters but encourage the development of living programs so that those who are our residents can learn independent living skills that are necessary to develop a better self-concept. We want our brothers and sisters on the streets to once again be the neighbors so that they can return to being contributing members of society.  


Where the homeless can be at home



The mission of the Jeanette Joan Saffold Foundation is to alter the course of homelessness. With a primary focus on community, our goal is to support individuals in a safe structured environment in which they can call home. We provide long-term support for people experiencing homelessness in an organized drug-free environment that will empower them to advocate for themselves and regain tools that will allow them to transition back into society.


Jeanette Joan Saffold


“ A home where you don’t feel alone.”

-ANthony Brown 

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Please click on the image below to be forwarded to the Eventbrite page to register for this fabulous event! We need your support!


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